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By Synthia Esther

A way of life for many teenagers in the world today is to go on line for social interaction on Internet chat rooms and public forums such as "My Space". We as a culture have become more comfortable meeting people on the world wide web of vast communication than arising to the challenges of real life and physical live one on one relationships. Choosing to turn to a computer screen to find personal companionship, friendship, a date/mate, one night stand, sex or solace on the Internet is a global phenomenon bringing with it the amenity to create false reality and alter personality persona's which can often be dangerous, perverted and criminal in nature.

As a result our relationships and very lives have suffered greatly. I pray if you are a teenager faced with isolation, loneliness, depression, and confusion, that you read this information and learn from the past mistakes of others. Millions of children and young teens go missing each year. Many end up dead or as human slaves in sex trafficking rings. One such example is Kacie Lea Woody, who at the age of 13, died at the hands of David Fuller, age 47, who was posing as a 17 year old with photos and a bio in an Internet Christian chat room.

Feeling it was safe, Kacie gave Dave her phone number and address. Kacie's father Rick was a police officer who knew of the supposedly innocent and often times spiritual conversations between his daughter and Dave. When she went missing, police found her dead in the back of a rented mini van parked at a storage center where Dave was found inside having shot himself. Like Dave, most predators lead a double life. In simple terms, the Internet is filled with deception and lies masked in the disguise of what ever and who ever appeals to you. Dave like a hunter, lied to trap, molest and kill his innocent victim, Kacie.

A description of those like Dave can be found in John 8:44, "You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father's desire. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies." Beware of the big, bad Internet wolves who are hiding behind Grandma's clothing! The most profound safety advice I can give you is to stay away from posting on line profiles, personal information, and photos.

Strive to develop personal relationships with in your own age group at church, school and the community in which you live. On the Internet and in person, be leery and cautious of anyone who talks or touches you inappropriately, shows you anything sexual in nature, such as written words, pictures, movies, videos, or flashes you with their own private body parts. Tell your parents and/or an authority figure, as well as the police if such activity occurs. Do not keep silent!

It doesn't matter how important their position is they are still held accountable to the law. Even if they do not touch you, it is against the law to talk sexually with a minor and it even has a name, an "Importuning Crime". Satan is behind every sin on this earth. You cannot possibly beat his lies of deception. Better to be safe than sorry. Pray for wisdom from God Himself. He loves and cares about every detail of your life. Mathew 6:26 "Look at the birds of the air: they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?" You are God's child, highly favored (Jeremiah 29:11), and deeply loved.

Sex Addictions - Spacer