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By Synthia Esther

There are many web sites concerning alcohol and drug addiction that provide statistic's and excellent resources. It is my desire to provide insightful truths from those who have walked the journey. "Often times action can only become probable, when reaction is a spiritual decision. Misplaced anger creates displaced spiritual growth", Finding the source of your pain and anger enables you to feed your soul the forgiveness and love necessary to live your life from its true source, which is God.

To stay or leave a relationship is a simple question, with a simple answer. What would lead you, and your loved ones closer to the knowledge of God's salvation plan, and His grace, mercy and love? There lies the answer to your question. The storm that comes your way is often not your decision, but how you respond to the storm is (Matthew 24:13). I know too well that," glib assurances do not measure up the way hard won wisdom does". You may be waiting on God, but have you ever thought God is waiting on you? Like the song by Gary Paxton, "He was there all the time....He was there all the time. Waiting patiently in line. He was there all the time."


"I lived with a binge alcoholic that became obnoxious, belligerent, and violent when intoxicated. I stayed for the kids, now they are immature, abusive drunks too. Eventually I walked away from the physical man for a spiritual man named Jesus Christ! I only regret I didn't do it sooner."

He was good/bad...good again....bad again, bad again, good again...good, good, bad, good, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, good, good, bad, bad, bad, good, bad, good, bad, bad.

An abuser is mixed with kindness when trying to make up for the abuse. The chaos continues to this day, and I'm too weak, meek, and old to care anymore."

"The more the beast does the drug, the more he continues to grow."

"Alcohol, drug, or any addiction is not a decease, it is a decision! I have watched it happen too many times. A bad day at work, and my husband come Friday stays drunk all week end. He is a child who has never grown up, and I have become his Mother!"

"I think I was so use to the drama from my alcoholic, pill popping wife, that I developed traumatic bonding. I became strongly attached to her being an addict, feeling like a real man when I continued to try and rescue her. Eventually, I developed a psychological need for the abuse. Now, I am just as sick as she is."

"When it was good it was very, very, good. When it was bad, it was very, very, bad. My crystal meth binging doesn't happen every day. But when it does, it is hell on earth for those around me! I have come to believe the old adage, 'commit a sin twice and it is no longer a sin, it is a habit'. So it is with my meth addiction. I can't quit, don't want to quit, and will probably die thinking one day I will quit."

" Truth is not only violated by false hood, it is equally outraged by silence. I am an alcoholic, and I don't lesson the lessons in my life because of my addiction. I can't believe anyone could ever love me, because I don't love myself. Its hard for a liar to believe anyone else!"

"My son is a meth addict. I am a recovering alcoholic. The Bible is true when it states like father, like son (Acts 7:51)."

"If you deceive others you also deceive yourself. I am a co-dependent...who helps my wife stay drunk. I could never get another woman who is as beautiful as she is. I am an overweight food addict who is getting older each and every day. Who would want me?"

"My 17 year old daughter drinks, does crack and has had three abortions. By pardoning her offense's I encouraged more. She has prostituted her body for the crack she craves. She lives on the streets and I cry daily worrying about her. I know it is all my fault. Instead of staying at home when she was a young and innocent child, I lived in the bars, craving alcohol and men who acted like they loved me. I never knew my father, and she never knew hers. I don't even know who her father is, I have been with so many men. I have given my heart and life to Jesus Christ. I know he is with me. I pray for my daughter and know God will one day bring her home."

"My husband the crack addict often worked out of town. I found out later his bogus job requirements were of his own choosing so he could binge for days on crack. We are the parents of two beautiful children. I stood by my man, and went to his AA support groups. He eventually left me and marred another addict he met in A A. My advice, 'run don't walk the other way, and never, ever, never marry an addict! My ex- husband's new wife is worth millions. Now he is trying to get sole custody of our children. He can afford the best attorneys money can buy, while I can't afford an attorney at all. I believe in God, and I know he will see me through. But its difficult...always very difficult."

"I am now a recovering alcoholic just like my husband. I agree with John F. Kennedy who once said, 'Conformity is the jailer of freedom, and the enemy of growth'. When my husband got better, I got worse. I couldn't stand the change. I have come out of the closet with my dirty secret of alcohol addiction, and can honestly say it beats trying to clean it up!"

"My husband, a fortune 500 president, is an alcoholic and I am co-dependent. I know he has sex with XXXXX, our 13 year old daughter, but I choose to remain silent about it. I also know my daughter cuts herself to try and ease her pain. We live in a multi million dollar home, both drive Mercedes, and belong to the finest country clubs. We own a private jet and travel extensively. My husband knows I understand his needs because I too was molested by my father when I turned 6 years old. I had a grand birthday party, with the sexual initiation by my father that very night. The molestation continued until I was 18. What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger. XXXXX will survive, marry within her social class, and lead philanthropic organizations just like me. We aristocrats are taught to just look the other way."


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